Taizhou city outlines key tasks for 2024
updated on :0710, 2024

Taizhou – the prefecture-level city in East China's Jiangsu province – held the seventh Plenary Session of the sixth Municipal Party Committee recently, reviewing its progress over the past and announcing its targets for 2024.

Goals were also set for major economic indicators in 2024 – including a year-on-year GDP increase of more than 6 percent, an urban unemployment rate of 5 percent or less and growth of 6.5 percent in total retail sales of consumer goods.

According to the report tabled at the conference, Taizhou's overall improvement in economic operations achieved substantive growth last year.

The city experienced robust performances in many areas, including improvements in its residents' quality of life and in the overall business environment, as well as in integrated urban-rural development and in the rejuvenation and conservation of its environment and ecosystem.

Last year, the city saw its GDP and general public budget revenue grow by 6.8 percent and 5.5 percent, respectively. Moreover, its fixed asset investment expanded by a whopping 10 percent.

In addition, total retail sales of consumer goods and per capita disposable personal income experienced respective rises of 7.5 percent and 6 percent last year. In fact, all the economic indicators of the city in 2023 ranked top among cities in Jiangsu, according to the report.

To achieve its targets for 2024, Taizhou will encourage innovation-driven growth, digital transformation, green development, a business-friendly environment, as well as the integration of innovation chains, industry supply chains, capital chains and talent chains.

Continuous efforts will also be made to further improve the integrated development of rural and urban areas and optimize public services.